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We recently caught up with Australian producer TMRRW, who just dropped a monster new single with Black Tiger Sex Machine. Everything is the perfect fusion of electronic with elements of rock, and features the legendary Micah Martin on vocals.

TMRRW has been making waves in the EDM scene over the last year, having recently released his debut single on Kannibalen Records with Lucille Croft (hello, that’s me), and a killer flip of Benny Benassi - Satisfaction. Andrew has been using his voice as an electronic act to try and shine more light on mental health in the music industry, as well as recently having come out publicly about his own struggles.

What is the concept behind TMRRW?

The concept of TMRRW is to be something innovative, something that I see as the future. I want to always be pushing the genre boundaries and creating unique tracks to take the listener on a journey.  

Explain your music in 3 words:




What inspires you?

My past experiences and emotions. Whatever is bothering me or influencing my mood at the time. I find it really hard to explain what I’m going through with words, so I express my thoughts and feelings through my music. My mind is constantly running a million miles an hour. Producing music is the only time that everything slows down and I can finally express myself! 

The music industry is easily one of the toughest in the world, and a huge percentage of artists struggle with their mental health. You’ve openly spoken about your struggles, so what’s your thoughts on this?

Something that I struggled with for a long time was being open about my issues because I felt ashamed and embarrassed. In the last few months I decided to say fuck it and try to spread the word. That way I hope other people who are going through hard times can see that it’s possible to come out the other side and the shit times really can get better. I’m trying to be the best advocate for mental health awareness and spread the word that it’s okay to not be okay. 

As most people know, the music industry an be brutal for someone who isn’t totally sure of themselves. I got so caught up in all the bullshit and I was constantly trying to please everyone except myself. I was so fixated on fulfilling my dream and becoming “successful” that I lost all the passion behind why I love music. 

I got very good at putting on a mask and pretending to everyone around me that I was doing okay. But really I was in a constant battle with my own head. It caused me to act impulsively, out of character and eventually led to losing myself. 

I have always been someone who wanted to make something of myself and I am always trying to better myself which put so much pressure on succeeding! Over the last year I decided to change my life. I adapted the strategy that I will be a survivor not a victim. I am not ashamed of the dark place I went to.  My biggest advice is to never let your condition define who you are as a person. I tell myself that everyday! Always try to better yourself and be the best version of yourself. If you fail or make mistakes that’s okay, just learn from them! Also learn how to meditate. That helped my anxiety so much!

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Would you rather win $10,000,000 or live twice as long?

I know the right answer is to live longer but I’m 100% sure the money would make the time I have left so much more fun and exciting 

Favourite plug in and why? 

I can’t go past serum, I use it in every project because it’s so easy to use and versatile. Super lame, but I actually create new sounds in my spare time for fun 

Worst advice you’ve received?

Don’t be yourself, it will hurt your brand. Try to be the “cool” DJ 

Tell us something exciting…

Exciting news?

Sooooo much coming! It’s actually blowing my mind how crazy the next six months are going to be. I’m sorting out a heap of releases with one of my favourite labels. I’ve worked with some amazing producers and singers which have contributed to a debut EP that I’m hoping to release later in the year hopefully.
I also have a heap of singles and remixes to release! I’m over the moon with how everything is playing out.

I am planning to do an Aussie tour within the next six months, so keep your eyes peeled!! I am also teaming up with a few mental health charities to raise awareness about speaking up and seeking help. 

On the scale 1 to 10 how excited are you to release with BTSM?

10/10!! It’s a moment every producer works so hard for. I grew up listening to these guys and seeing my name next to theirs is the biggest honour. So much has gone into this release behind the scenes and it makes me so happy to see it all coming to life! The release was inspired by a lot of the music I listened to growing up. I love that we were able to incorporate that vibe with electronic music to create something amazing!

One song you always include in your sets?

Any track by Illenium, that man is God.


FACEBOOK: @tmrrwofficial

INSTAGRAM: @tmrrwofficial

SPOTIFY: @tmrrw

SOUNDCLOUD: @tmrrwofficial

TWITTER: @tmrrw3



Devah (NSFW)

Devah (NSFW)